
Criterion 3 (Research and Outreach Activities)

3.1 Resource Mobilization for Research

3.1.1 Average number of research projects funded by government and/ or non-government agencies during the last five years.
1 section Letter from the funding agency
2 Income & Expenditure
3.1.2 Average grants received for research projects from government and / or non-government agencies during the last five years (INR in Lakhs)
1 section Letter from the funding agency
2 Income & Expenditure statements highlighting the research grants recieved certitied by the auditor
3.1.3 In-house support is provided by the institution to teachers for research purposes during the last five years in the form of:
1 Institutional policy document detailing scheme of incentives
2 section letter of award of incentives
3 Income & Expenditure statements highlighting the relevant expenditure with seal and singnature of the principal
4 Documentary evidence for each of the claims
5 Any other relevant information
3.1.4 Institution has created an eco-system for innovations and other initiatives for creation and transfer of knowledge that include.
1 Documentary evidences in support of the claims for each effort
2 Details of reports highlighting the claims made by the institution
3 Reports of innovations tried out and ideas incubated
4 Any other relevant information

3.2 Research Publications

3.2.1 Average number of research papers / articles per teacher published in Journals notified on UGC website during the last five years.
  1 First page of the article/journals with seal and signature of the Principal
  2 E-copies of outer jacket/content page of the journals in which articles are published
3.2.2 Average number of books and / or chapters in edited books published and papers in National / International conference-proceedings per teacher during the last five years
  1 First page of the published book/chapter with seal and signature of the Principal
  2 E-copies of outer jacket/contents page of the books, chapters and papers published along with ISBN number in national / international conference-proceedings per teacher year-wise

3.3 Research Publications

3.3.1 Average number of outreach activities organized by the institution during the last five years.
  1 Report of each outreach activity organized along with video/ photographs with seal and signature of the Principal
  2 Any other relevant information
3.3.2 Percentage of students participating in outreach activities organized by the institution during the last five years
  1 Event-wise newspaper clippings / videos / photographs with captions and dates
3.3.3 Percentage of student participation in national priority programmes such as Swachh Bharat, AIDs awareness, Gender sensitivity, Yoga, Digital India, National Water Mission during the last five years
  1 Documentary evidence in support of the claim along with photographs with caption and date
  2 Any additional information
3.3.4 Outreach activities in the community in terms of influencing and sensitizing students to social issues and contribute to community development.
  1 Report of each outreach activity signed by the Principal
  2 Relevant documentary evidence for the claim
3.3.5 Number of awards and honours received for outreach activities from government/ recognized.
  1 Appropriate certificates from the awarding agency
  2 Any other relevant information

3.4 Collaboration and Linkages

3.4.1 Average number of linkages for Faculty exchange, Student exchange, research etc. during the last five years
  1 Report of each linkage along with videos/ photographs
  2 List of teachers/students benefited by linkage exchange and research
3.4.2 Functional MoUs with institutions of National and / or International importance, other universities, industries, corporate houses etc. during the last five years
  1 Copies of the MoUs with institution / industry/ corporate houses
3.4.3 Institution has linkages with schools and other educational agencies for both academic and outreach activities and jointly organizes.
  1 Report of each activities with seal and signature of the Principal
  2 Any additional information
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