1.2.1 |
Curriculum provides adequate choice of courses to students as optional / electives including pedagogy courses for which teachers are available
1 |
Circular/document of the University showing duly approved list of optional /electives / pedagogy courses in the curriculum |
1.2.2 |
Average Number of Value-added courses offered during the last five years |
1 |
Brochure and course content along with CLOs of value-added courses |
1.2.3 |
Percentage of Students enrolled in the Value-added courses mentioned at 1.2.2 during the last five years |
1 |
List of the students enrolled in the value-added course as defined in 1.2.2 |
2 |
Course completion certificates |
3 |
Upload any additional information |
1.2.4 |
Students are encouraged and facilitated to undergo self-study courses online/offline in several ways through |
1 |
Document showing teachers’ mentoring and assistance to students to avail of self-study courses |
1.2.5 |
Percentage of students who have completed self-study courses ( online /offline, beyond the curriculum) during the last five years |
1 |
Certificates/ evidences for completing the self study course(s) |
2 |
List of students enrolled and completed in self study course |
Criterion 1 (Curricular Aspects)
Criterion 1 (Curricular Aspects)
1.1 Curriculum Planning
1.2 Academic Flexibility
1.3 Curriculum Enrichment
1.4 Feedback System