2.4.1 |
Institution provides opportunities for developing competencies and skills in different functional areas through specially designed activities / experiences that include. |
1 |
Reports of activities with report and photos support wherever possible |
2 |
Documentary evidence in support of the selected response/s |
3 |
An other relavent information |
2.4.2 |
Students go through a set of activities as preparatory to school-based practice teaching and internship. Pre practice teaching / internship orientation / training encompasses certain significant skills and competencies such as. |
1 |
Reports and photographs / videos of the activities |
2 |
Documentary evidence in support of each selected activity |
3 |
Attendance sheets of the workshops/activities with seal and signature of the Principal |
2.4.3 |
Competency of effective communication is developed in students through several activities such as |
1 |
Details of the activities carried out during last completed academic year in respect of each response indicated |
1 |
An other relavent information |
2.4.4 |
Students are enabled to evolve the following tools of assessment for learning suited to the kinds of learning engagement provided to learners, and to analyse as well as interpret responses |
Teacher made written tests essentially based on subject content |
Observation modes for individual and group activities |
Forformance tests |
2.4.5 |
Adequate skills are developed in students for effective use of ICT for teaching learning process in respect of |
1 |
Sample evidence showing the tasks carried out for each of the selected response |
2 |
Documentary evidence in respect of each response selected |
2.4.6 |
Students develop competence to organize academic, cultural, sports and community related events through |
1 |
Photographs with caption and date wherever possible |
2 |
Documentary evidence showing the activities carried out for each of the selected response |
2.4.7 |
A variety of assignments given and assessed for theory courses through |
1 |
Samples of assessed assignments for theory courses of different programmes |
2 |
Any other relevant information |
3 |
Upload Other Files: |
2.4.8 |
Internship programme is systematically planned with necessary preparedness. |
1 |
Documentary evidence in support of the claim |
2 |
Any other relevant information |
2.4.9 |
Average number of students attached to each school for internship during the last completed academic year |
1 |
Plan of teacher engagement in school internship |
2 |
Internship certificates for students from different host schools |
3 |
Copy of the schedule of work of internees in each school |
2.4.10 |
Nature of internee engagement during internship consists. |
1 |
School-wise internship reports showing student engagement in activities claimed |
2 |
Any other relevant information |
3 |
Sample copies for each of selected activities claimed |
2.4.11 |
Institution adopts effective monitoring mechanisms during internship programme. |
1 |
Documentary evidence in support of the response
2 |
Any other relevant information
3 |
Other files upload
2.4.12 |
Performance of students during internship is assessed by the institution in terms of observations of different persons such as |
1 |
Two filled in sample observation formats for each of the claimed assessors |
2 |
Assessment criteria adopted by each of the selected persons (For Bachelor and PG Programmes as applicable) |
2.4.13 |
Comprehensive appraisal of interns’ performance is in place. The criteria used for assessment include |
Format for criteria and weightages for interns' performance appraisal used |
Five filled in formats for each of the aspects claimed |
Any other relevant information |
Criterion 2 (Teaching-learning and Evaluation)
Criterion 2 (Teaching-learning and Evaluation)
2.1 Student Enrollment and Profile
2.2 Honoring Student Diversity
2.3 Teaching- Learning Process
2.4 Competency and Skill Development
2.5 Teacher Profile and Quality
2.6 Evaluation Process
2.7 Student Performance and Learning Outcomes