

About the Committee

In which all the assistant professors and members of the college were present. In order to solve the problems related to the welfare, equality, caste discrimination, student benefit scheme, initiative of reservation in enrollment and scholarship etc. of the Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribe, Backward Class and Minority trainees, through discussion of all the employees present in this meeting, Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribe, Backward Class and Minority Welfare Cell was formed.

Aims and Objectives

  • To counsel and guide SC/ST/OBC students and help them to manage academies and perinea issues of college life effectively.
  • To callers’ provisions of an environment where all such students feel safe and secure.
  • To provide prompt counseling for any emotional emergencies amusing on account of soy event at the campus
  • To provide the mechanism to redress the grievance of OBC, SC and ST , students
  • To perception and reservations as presided in the recitation of India
  • To arrange for special opportunities to enhance the carrier growth

Functions of the Committee

  • To take action against those who indulge in caste-based discrimination and inequality in the college.
  • To ensure availability and information about scholarships and other schemes related to different castes in the interest of the trainees.
  • Providing facilities as per the rules of reservation in enrollment and scholarship etc.
  • To organize seminars related to caste upliftment, constitutional provisions, national and state plans and symposium of concerned departments and legal practitioners.

Committee Composition

S.No. Name of The Teacher Position in Committee
1 Mr. Prabhat Kumar Coordinator
2 Mr. Anjani Kumar Gupta Assistant Coordinator
3 Mr. Raghwendra Member
4 Mr. Dinesh Kumar Chaudhary Member
5 Mr. Shyam Sundar Member
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