
Library Development Committee

About the Committee

Library Development Committee plays an advisory role regarding the library on matters of general policy, planning, programs, goals, and objectives in its support of teaching, learning, research and community‐building needs of the College. The basic objective of this committee is to facilitate communication with and obtaining feedback from the students on library collections, programs, services, infrastructure, and communication mechanisms. It also discusses and evaluate budgetary issues for books, journals, databases, media, e-resources etc. The Library Committee is comprised of experienced members of the Staff who have sound academic knowledge. They keep a track of the activities of the library and also have a record of the books and journals available in the library. The Committee upgrades the library based on the requirements of the Staff and the Students.

Aim and Objectives

  • To provide general direction to the library.
  • To review the functioning of the library with regards to its support to the academic programmes of the institute.
  • To outline the library collection development policy as and when required, for its implementation.
  • To monitor and evaluate, from time to time, trends and developments in information technologies, networking, library automation, library cooperation etc., and to direct the library in their adoption
  • Evaluate the suggestions made by the library users.
  • To formulate the policy for library, use and procedure to be framed.
  • To review the requirements of the new programmes being introduced and advise library about financial assistance.
  • Evaluating the books procurement department- wise and allocation of budget accordingly.


  • To plan the books and journals to be procured for the college library.
  • To conduct Library stock verification.
  • To coordinate with the librarian and to ensure the availability of study materials.
  • The committee will be responsible for the over-all development of the library.
  • The library committee monitors the procurement of books, Journals and the allocation of the budget according to the recommendation of the faculty and students.
  • Discusses budgetary issues for books, journals, databases, media, etc.

Committee Composition

S.No Name of The Teacher Position in Committee
1 Mr. Prabhat Kumar Coordinator
2 Mr. Anjani Kumar Gupta Assistant Coordinator
3 Mrs. Priti Kumari Member
4 Miss. Kumari Rupam Member
5 Mr. Vikrant Kumar Member
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