
In-House Committee

About the Committee

The Bhuvan Malti College of Education campus is a green campus spreading in the outside Motihari City, Bihar. The campus is known for its wide landscape; the lush greens surrounding the entire campus and the well-maintained grounds add to the aesthetic glory of the campus. With the coordinator the in-house committee aims to create a tranquil atmosphere on the campus which attracts and inspires both the students and the faculty to deepen their interest in academic and social life.

Aims and Objectives

  • To provide a smooth transition from home life to school life for all students.
  • To create and use social situation so that student’s social and emotional needs are fulfilled.
  • To enable students is integrate themselves well in the corporate life of college.
  • To enable students to prepare themselves for playing different role as member of a group, community or society.
  • To inculcate the sense of responsibility to take one’s tasks and duties in life earnestly and discharge them to the best of one’s abilities.
  • To help every student developed him/her personality and integrity.
  • To develop the spirit of healthy competition among students.
  • To inculcate the qualities of self-dignity self confidence and respect for others views and opinions and discretion to take decision on issues and problems faced by them.
  • To develop a sense of belongingness among students and to create desire to live in harmony.
  • To inculcate among students respect for seniors, elders, teachers and a caring attitude towards juniors and fraternity towards all.
  • To learn live work endure and enjoy together and develop a degree of sensitivity for their feelings and needs.
  • To inculcate among students personal social and national values.

Functions of the Committee

  • To consider all applications from members for leave of absence from the sittings of the House
  • To examine every case where a member has been absent for a period of sixty days or more, without permission from the sittings of the House and to report whether the absence should be condoned or circumstances of the case justify that the House should declare the seat of the member vacant.
  • To have mutual discussions from time to time to make teachers aware of their skills.
  • To motivate teachers towards increasing self-esteem.
  • To have good behavior among the students.
  • To establish mutual harmony between the teacher and the faculty representative.
  • To solve the emotional, behavioral, educational and social problems of the trainees through guidance & counselling cell.

Committee Composition

S.No. Name of The Teacher Position in Committee
1 Mr. Prabhat Kumar Coordinator
2 Mr. Anjani Kumar Gupta Assistant Coordinator
3 Dr. Navdeep Ranjan Member
4 Mr. Raghwendra Member
5 Mr. Piyush Mourya Member
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