

About the Educational Tour & Trip Committee

Through this committee, the country's trainee students and students in general will be educated on the historical, geographical, and diverse cultures of the provinces, helping to clarify the sometimes-hazy descriptions found in books. to gain firsthand knowledge of India's variety and make connections between their experiences and reality.

Aims & Objectives

  • To provide the trainee students with an annual educational tour that allows them to experience India's diversity up close.
  • A visit to historically significant locations clarifies the hazy picture found in texts.
  • We have a broader perspective when we travel.
  • We also get useful facts about trade and commerce through travel.
  • We educate our trainee students about the rich cultural heritage, geography, and history of our nation and its provinces through educational trips.
  • Educational travel enables students to confront and resolve real-world problems.
  • Invigorating conversations facilitated by educational excursions foster idea sharing, leadership, and communication abilities.

Functions of the Committee

  • To motivate and raise awareness of educational excursions among trainees, both male and female.
  • For the educational tour to be as effective as possible, each participant should suggest and carry out a variety of activities.
  • To swiftly and conveniently plan an instructional tour program.
  • Every member of the "Educational Tour Committee" will make sure that all tasks associated with the educational tour are finished on schedule.
  • To organize the resources and finish the official procedures prior to the tour.

Committee Composition

S.No Name of The Teacher Position in Committee
1 Dr. Pushp Raj Singh Coordinator
2 Miss. Kumar Rupam Assistant Coordinator
3 Mrs. Priti Kumari Member
4 Mr. Prabhat Kumar Member
5 Dr. Amrendra Kumar Member
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