
College Grievance Redressal Committee

About the committee

For the benefit of the College Grievance Redressal Committee, Bhuvan Malti College of Education, Motihari has kept an open and equally effective grievance redressal procedure. The entire burden of ensuring that all students and employees have a happy, safe, and secure learning environment is on the shoulders of the college administration. In accordance with UGC regulations (2019), the College Grievance Redressal Committee was founded in 2020 to address the concerns of the various college sections. Since its establishment, the Committee has been essential to the administration structure. The Committee, which operates directly under the Head of the Institution, has been working tirelessly to create a peaceful and supportive environment for all members of the college community.

The Committee receives the grievances that the principal has received, and depending on how serious the problem is, they take turns resolving it. Every College student is entitled to an appeal for remedy about any academic issue. Should a dispute occur about grades, course requirements, staff behaviour, excessive fines, or any other issue, the student may formally file a grievance with the CGRC for official consideration. The student who feels wronged may get help from a Student Representative in making their case. The Committee's UGC standards are followed during the hearing on the subject.

Aims & Objectives

  • To receive formal complaints about the college system in writing from employees and students.
  • To establish a supportive environment for learning and put in place a productive system for managing the reports.
  • If more action is required, forward the conclusions and recommendations to the Management Body.
  • To advocate and address the legitimate complaints regarding the relevant part.
  • To strictly assess and authenticate the veracity of the grievances that have been reported, without diminishing the seriousness of the situation.
  • To lead and call meetings within the Committee to discuss upcoming problems, whether they are resolved or not. and start monitoring till the matter is resolved.

Function of Committee

  • To develop an organizational framework to resolve Grievances of Students and other stakeholders.
  • To provide the students access to immediate, hassle-free recourse to have their Grievances redressed.
  • To enlighten the students on their grievances by orientation program and conduct the rules and responsibilities to access benefits.
  • To establish structured interactions with Students to elicit information on their expectations.
  • To institute a monitoring mechanism to oversee the functioning of the Grievance Redressal Policy.

Composition of Grievance & Redressal Committee:

S.No. Name of The Teacher Position in Committee Mobile No.
1 Mr. Anjani Kumar Gupta Coordinator 8858334308
2 Dr. Geeta Dubey Assistant Coordinator 6395230205
3 Miss. Kumari Rupam Member 8287055216
4 Dr. Navdeep Ranjan Member 7390095439
5 Mr. Prabhat Kumar Member 9608388188
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