
Board of Governance

The Board of Governance Committee is established to provide strategic direction and oversight on matters pertaining to Board organization, management, effective trusteeship, and issues related to College governance. The Committee shall consist of the trustees appointed by the Chair of the Board of Trustees. Committee. The Board of Governance Committee also holds responsibility for policy oversight, including review of major University policies, and acts as the committee of last resort for matters within the purview of the Board of Governors not assigned to other committees.

Aims & Objectives

• The role of secretary is evolving to a position of expertise in governance matters.

• The secretary of the board notes the main actions and decisions of the board during meetings and records them in the meeting minutes. After meetings, the secretary prepares the minutes for distribution to the trustees for board approval prior to the next meeting.

• The board secretary maintains all of the college documents and records and makes them available for review by the board and bodies that regulate the institution.

• College must maintain their articles of incorporation, bylaws, employee contact lists, financial records and other records. Some of the records are confidential, so the board must develop policies for who may access specific records, and under what circumstances they would allow it.

• Working in conjunction with the board chair, the secretary must also file any required documents with the government as needed for compliance by the designated deadlines.

• The board chair and the secretary usually have signing authority for legal documents, such as contracts, checks and credit applications on behalf of the college.


  • To strengthen the existing good practices.
  • To implement transparency at all levels of governance and administration.
  • To follow integrity in appointments at all levels.
  • To strengthen the College-School interaction.
  • To establish fair and transparent processes in internal control.
  • To comply with rules and regulations
  • To establish strong and capable financial processes and procedures relating to procurement, appropriate utilization of funds and audit.
  • To involve all the stake holders at various levels as deemed fit with regard to guidelines of statutory bodies.
  • To maintain registry of interests of members of governing body
  • To achieve optimum utilization of infrastructure, resources for better output
  • To meet the requirements of accreditations
  • To enhance the quality of teaching-learning process
  • To set up centres of excellence in research & development and enhancement of quality of teaching.
  • To set up and strengthen student support programs, training for enhancing quality in placements and higher education.
  • To place improved systems for feedback, self-appraisal of faculty and staff.

Committee Composition

S.No Name of The Teacher Position in Committee
1 Smt. Malti Devi Coordinator
2 Dr. Krishna Murari Agrawal Assistant Coordinator
3 Mrs. Anita Krishna Member
4 Er. Om Prakash Agrawal Member
5 Er. Dhirendra Singh Member
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