

About the committee

The act of anti-ragging carries consequences. The institute will undoubtedly adhere to the UGC Act 2009's provisions on an institutional level. At Bhuvan Malti College of Education, Motihari, foul jokes and physical abuse are forbidden except from greeting freshly enrolled students. Our college has implemented several stringent anti-ragging policies. It is required that you abide by these guidelines in letter and spirit. Senior students and recently arriving students at the college are periodically provided anti-ragging counsel in an effort to preserve order and a healthy atmosphere.

Anti -Ragging / Disciplinary committee of BMCE is Effectively working in accordance with UGC standards aimed at reducing disruptive and unruly behaviour on campus. The committee deals with the problems of sick situations on campus, keeps an eye on the maintenance of a healthy campus atmosphere, and manages the efforts to keep any infractions from occurring within the school. The disruptive and indiscipline behaviour of pupils inside the BMCE community has been actively observed by the Cell.

Aims & Objectives

  • To guarantee adherence to all legal requirements and regulation provisions pertaining to ragging
  • To keep an eye on and supervise the anti-ragging initiatives being carried out on college property.
  • To stop the threat of ragging by conducting unexpected inspections and raids of locations where ragging incidents or potential occurrences could occur.
  • Maintain constant observation and vigilance over ragging actions to stop it from happening and from happening again.
  • To educate students—if needed—about the dehumanizing effects of ragging and how its perversity can be addressed by awareness campaigns, therapy sessions, or harsh sanctions.
  • A key component of preserving discipline at the college is the Anti Ragging Disciplinary Committee. It takes into consideration the grievances or accusations that are made against college students.
  • To prevent negative situations from happening on college campuses, the Anti Ragging Disciplinary Committee is responsible for raising awareness of them.
  • To combat the threat of disruptive behaviour on campus, the Disciplinary Committee will make sure that the rules outlined in the UGC Regulations are followed.
  • The Disciplinary Committee will control student behaviour by creating a well-thought-out system to identify instances of indiscipline and disruptive behaviour.
  • Should the students be found guilty of misdemeanour activities on campus, the Disciplinary Committee has the authority to impose punishments.

Function of Committee.

  • To uphold and comply with the directions of the Hon'ble Supreme Court and be vigilant on nay acts amounting to ragging.
  • To publicize to all students and prevalent directives and the actions that can be taken against those indulging in ragging.
  • To consider the complaints received from the students and conduct enquiry and submit report to the Anti Ragging Committee along with punishment recommended for the offenders.
  • Oversee the procedure of obtaining undertaking from the students in accordance with the provisions.
  • Conduct workshops against ragging menace and orient the students.
  • To provide students the information pertaining to contact address and telephone numbers of the person(s) identified to receive complaints/distress calls.
  • To offer services of counseling and create awareness to the students.
  • To take all necessary measures for prevention of Ragging inside the Campus.

Anti-Ragging Committee/ Disciplinary Committee Composition:

S. no. Name of The Teacher Position in Committee Mobile No.
1 Mr. Anjani Kumar Gupta Coordinator 8858334308
2 Mrs. Priti Kumari Assistant Coordinator 6202668951
3 Dr. Navdeep Ranjan Member 9801272530
4 Mr. Prabhat Kumar Member 7390095439
5 Mr. Manindra Pratap Singh Member 9608388188
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