
Aishe Committee

About the committee

AISHE stands for All India Survey on Higher Education, and an AISHE cell is typically a department or committee within a college or university that is responsible for collecting and submitting data to the AISHE survey. The AISHE survey is an annual survey conducted by the Ministry of Education, Government of India, which aims to collect data on various aspects of higher education in the country, such as enrollment, programs, facilities, and faculty. The AISHE cell in a college is responsible for ensuring that accurate and complete data is collected and submitted to the survey, which helps the government to make informed decisions about policies related to higher education in the country.

Aims & Objectives

  • To provide equal opportunities to all the pupils to get education.
  • To bring in improvement in the structure of the educational institute.
  • To bring proper direction to functioning of the educational institute.
  • To make teachers active and strategic thinkers so that they can contribute towards the improvement and development of institution and the programmes of the institution.
  • To develop a comprehensive programme of improvement the educational system by focusing on the all-important required parameters through optimum utilization of resources.
  • To shift the emphasis from expenditure orientation to effort orientation.
  • To bring an accord between the development of an institution and national level planning.


  • To make teachers active and strategic thinkers so that they can contribute towards the improvement and development of institution and the programmes of the institution.
  • To develop a comprehensive programme of improvement the educational system by focusing on the all-important required parameters through optimum utilization of resources.
  • To shift the emphasis from expenditure orientation to effort orientation.
  • To make education productive.
  • To bring an accord between the development of an institution and national level planning.
  • To provide realistic and concrete ideas to educational planning.
  • To develop and promote a democratic environment.
  • To make education available to the poorest of the citizens.

Committee Composition

S.No Name of The Teacher Position in Committee
1 Principal Coordinator
2 Dr. Navdeep Ranjan Assistant Coordinator
3 Mr. Anjani Kumar Gupta Member
4 Mr. Prabhat Kumar Member
5 Dr. Amrendra Kumar Member
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